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 委託流程 / Procedure
Discussion when your turn
Confirming the illust file
Inquire and arrange booking
Inspect the final work
and make the remaining payment
Final render and send file
Finishing the work
Deposit (half payment)
排單須知 / Booking

- The deposit will not be refunded if the order is abandoned for any reason.
- Once a time slot is scheduled, the commission cannot be delayed for any reason for more than 30 days. Otherwise, it will be rescheduled. The client is asked to estimate the best scheduling time to save time for both parties.

- 不管以任何理由棄單,定金不會退還。
- 輪到該檔期後,不可以任何理由(例:繪師尚未完稿、籌備預算等)拖延委託工作超過30天,否則將以重新排單作安排。為了雙方的時間請委託人預估好最佳排單時間。

委託須知 / Notice

- No refund when the artwork is halfway completed.

- Please ensure that your requirements are finalized before starting commissioning work, and avoid making continuous changes during production that may affect project progress and timelines.
- Accept rush order service with additional charges.

- Reselling the works to third parties and earning profit from it is prohibited.
The slot schedule may be affected by the actual situation. Please place a rush order if necessary.

- The listed prices are only for Independently produced Vtubers. The price for VTuber agencies' commercial use will be tripled.

- Violators may be blocked.

- 當委託已經製作完成一半之後,不接受任何形式的退款。

- 請在開始委託工作前準備好檔案和決定好要求。避免製作期間接二連三的更改想法影響委託進度和時間。
- 接受加急方案,加急費用將另計。

- 禁止把作品轉賣給第三方並賺取差價。

- 提前告知的排單狀況跟實際情況或許有差,若有需要請走加急方案。

- 列出的委託價錢只提供給個人勢的VTuber。企業勢或運營勢的將被視為商用,以三倍價格計算委託費用。

- 違反條規者或許會被處理為黑名單。

如何委託 / How to Order

1. Introduction

  Please provide your preferred appellation or nickname. It may be used for file naming purposes. If you are a public figure/Vtuber/Person in charge of a company, you may also provide an additional introduction.

2. Type of commission and content

  Live2D model or Illustration animation or Song cover video.

3. Commission details and requirements

  Kindly outline specific details and any requirements related to the commission.

  - Live2D model: Fullbody standard rigging, expression or toggle hotkey details, additional effects/animation requirements

  - Illustration animation: description of purpose (use of live broadcast screen, PV production materials, Animated wallpaper), video size (16:9)

  - Cover song PV: Song, type, and quantity of illustrations/materials provided (Single horizontal illustration: 1 character PNG and 1 background JPG)

4. Usage of works

Please indicate how the commissioned works will be used for personal collection, streaming, fan gifts, or gifting to third parties. 

5. Payment method

Bank transfer is accepted for Malaysian clients, and PayPal is accepted for international clients.

6. Work display date

Clarify when the completed work may be publicly displayed, whether after completion, after client approval, or if the right to display the work has been bought out and cannot be made public.




2. 委託項目和內容

Live2D模型 / 動態圖 / 翻唱曲PV


3. 委託詳情和要求


- Live2D模型:全身標準建模、表情差 分按鍵詳情、額外特效/動畫要求

- 動態圖:用途說明(直播畫面使用、PV製作素材、動態壁紙),影片尺寸(16:9)

- 翻唱曲PV:歌曲、提供的插圖/素材類型和數量(單圖橫向插畫:人物PNG和背景JPG各一張)


4. 作品用途


5. 付款方式


6. 作品展示日期

完稿後即可公開 / 委託人展示後可公開(大約日期) / 永不可公開(買斷展示權)

商用或買斷事項 / For Commercial or Buyout
​For commercial or buyout matters, please communicate further with the rigger. 商用或買斷事項請進一步與建模師溝通.
​付款方式 / Payment method
Payment is accepted through PayPal (only for TWD&USD) and bank transfer (only for MYR).
​聯絡方式 / Contact
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
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