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Live2D模型建模 / Live2D Model Rigging

- Not including drawing, only provide Live2D rigging service.
- Please provide the model's PSD file with finished layering.
- Price varies based on the complexity of the model.
- Granted minor changes up to 3 times; subsequent
  changes after the three times will have additional charges.

- Not provide a cmo3 file (resource file); the sale of the resource file will be handled as a buyout.

- 不包括繪畫,只提供建模的服務。
- 請提供已完成分層的模型PSD檔案
- 價格會根據人物複雜程度有所增加。
- 模型完成建模之後,僅接受3次小範圍更改。3次之後

- 不提供cmo3文件(原工作檔案),原檔販賣將以買斷作為處理。

★The rigger can refuse a commission application depending on the model quality (Model proportions issue, PSD Canvas too small, etc)
★AI-generated model rigging commissions are not accepted.


The client can coordinate with the rigger according to their requirements. The rigger will help on the PSD file if the layering is incomplete.委託人可根據自行要求再和建模師進行最終協調。若原畫師提供的PSD檔案圖層有拆分或填補不足,這裡也會在檔案裡再加工。

​Recommended Facetrack software

Vtube Studio

Recommended Facetrack device

IOS>Android=Webcam with NVIDIA Broadcast Tracker or Google Mediapipe Webcam Tracker

File received in

1. model Live2D folder (moc3 and etc.)

2. expressions hotkey setup for Vtube Studio


Vtube Studio


IOS>安卓=攝像頭與NVIDIA Broadcast Tracker或Google Mediapipe Webcam Tracker


1. 模型Live2D文件夾(moc3和其餘文件)

2. Vtube Studio的表情按鍵設置

- The listed prices are only for Independently produced Vtubers. The cost for VTuber agencies' commercial use will be tripled.

- The rigger will be more accommodating with scheduling VTuber agencies' commissions to suit the needs better.
- Accept rush order service with additional charges.

- Reselling the works to third parties and earning profit from it is prohibited.

- 列出的委託價錢只提供給個人勢的VTuber。企業勢的委託將被視為商用,以三倍價格計算委託費用。

- 企業勢的委託可以跳過排單,會根據甲方情況和安排盡最大的配合。
- 接受加急單,加急費將另計。

- 禁止把作品轉賣給第三方並賺取差價。

​委託價目 / Pricing List
MYR500+ / 200USD+ / 6000TWD+
Q版&吉祥物建模 / Chibi & Mascot Rigging

- 頭部XYZ / Head XYZ
- 身體XYZ / Body XYZ
- 眨眼 / Eye Blink
- 微笑眼型 / Eye Smile Form
- 眉毛形態 / Eyebrow Form
- 嘴巴形態:9個 / Mouth Form: 9 forms
- 眼球移動 / Eyeball movement
- 物理演算:單一方向飄動 / Physics movement: Fluttering in one direction
- 呼吸動作 / Breathing
- 包括4個靜態按鍵表情 / Included 4 static expression hotkeys

MYR600+ / 300USD+ / 9000TWD+
標準半身建模 / Halfbody Standard Rigging

- 頭部XYZ / Head XYZ
- 身體Z / Body Z
- 眨眼 / Eye Blink
- 微笑眼型 / Eye Smile Form
- 眉毛形態 / Eyebrow Form
- 嘴巴形態:9個 / Mouth Form: 9 forms
- 眼球移動 / Eyeball movement
- 物理演算:單一方向飄動 / Physics movement: Fluttering in one direction
- 呼吸動作:胸口呼吸 / Breathing: Chest Breathing
- 包括4個靜態按鍵表情 / Included 4 static expression hotkeys

MYR1000+ / 600USD+ / 18000TWD+
標準全身建模 / Fullbody Standard Rigging

- 頭部XYZ / Head XYZ
- 身體XYZ / Body XYZ
- 眨眼 / Eye Blink
- 微笑眼型 / Eye Smile Form
- 眉毛形態 / Eyebrow Form
- 嘴巴形態:9個 / Mouth Form: 9 forms
- 眼球移動 / Eyeball movement
- 物理演算:單一方向飄動 / Physics movement: Fluttering in one direction
- 呼吸動作:胸口呼吸 / Breathing: Chest Breathing
- 包括4個靜態按鍵表情 / Included 4 static expression hotkeys

MYR1500+ / 1000USD+ / 30000TWD+
精緻全身建模 / Fullbody Advance Rigging

- 頭部XYZ / Head XYZ
- 身體XYZ / Body XYZ
- 身體傾向前後 / Body Leaning In&Out
- 肩膀和臀部動態反綁按鍵 / Shoulder & Hip movement invert key
- 眨眼 / Eye Blink
- 微笑眼型 / Eye Smile Form
- 眉毛形態 / Eyebrow Form
- 嘴巴形態:12個 / Mouth Form: 12 forms
- 眼球移動 / Eyeball movement
- 物理演算:全方向飄動 / Physics movement: Fluttering in all direction
- 呼吸動作:適當全身擺動 / Breathing: Body movement
- 包括4個靜態按鍵表情 / Included 4 static expression hotkeys

額外按鍵設計 Additional hotkey design

Some of the expressions are available for IOS and Android face tracking. For webcam users, It will be in hotkey.


Tongue out 

MYR60 / 20USD / 600TWD
Smirk / Mouth X 

MYR50 / 15USD / 450TWD

MYR50 / 15USD / 450TWD
Static expression/toggle/pose 

MYR30+ / 10USD+ / 300TWD+
Animated expression/toggle/pose

MYR50+ / 15USD+ / 450TWD+
Accessories on&off 

MYR30+ / 10USD+ / 300TWD+
Hairstyle changing 

MYR100+ / 30USD+ / 900TWD+
Leg side steps 

MYR50+ / 15USD+ / 450TWD+
Trackable wide eyes 

MYR50+ / 15USD+ / 450TWD+
Effect animation 

MYR100+ / 30USD+ / 900TWD+
Shoulder&Hip movement 

MYR100+ / 30USD+ / 900TWD+

Feel free to discuss with the rigger if you want to have any effects or animations. The rigger accepts challenges anytime!


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