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合作繪師 / Collaboration Artist
Offer a one-stop-shop service with the following artists, where th
e client can discuss and produce the commission through a single window. The standard quality of the artwork will also be guaranteed.
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來自台灣的自由接案繪師,繪畫經驗七年以上。 大多項目皆可​接。不接老人、機械、純場景。Freelance artist from Taiwan with more than seven years of painting experience. Most of the projects are available. Do not accept older men, machinery, or pure scene illustration commissions,

Language: 中文, English
兔兔魔法雜貨店 - 兔奈Usana
來自台灣的繪師。擁有30+隻的VTuber模型繪製經驗。委託範圍包括插圖、Q版、Vtuber模型,擅長可愛風格的女生角色繪畫。Artist from Taiwan. Experienced in 30+ VTuber model illustrations. Commissions include illustrations, chibi, and VTuber models. She specializes in drawing cute-style girl characters.

Language: 中文
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And coming soon...
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