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插圖動畫 / Illust Animation

- Not drawing frame-by-frame animation.
- Price varies based on the complexity of the motion and animation.
- The rigger can refuse a commission application depending

  on the illustration quality.
- Granted minor changes up to 3 times; subsequent changes after

  the three times will have additional charges.
- No refund when the video is halfway completed.

- I accepted the JPG/PNG animation, but the layering retouch will be extra charged.

- 不接繪製逐帧動畫。
- 價格會根據動態和影片複雜程度有所增加。
- 可能不會接受繪圖品質過低的動態委託。
- 影片完成之後,僅接受3次小範圍更改。3次之後的更改會收取費用。
- 當影片已經製作完成一半之後,不接受任何形式的退款。

- 接受JPG/PNG動態化,繪圖拆件會另計收費。

★The rigger can refuse a commission application depending on the illustration quality.

★AI-generated illustration animation commissions are not accepted.



The price is only for primary reference. The final quotation will confirmed after discussion.


​委託價目 / Pricing List
MYR80± / 30USD± / 900TWD±
Q版人物循環動畫 / Chibi Character Looping Animation

- 影片時長:<30秒 / Duration: <30 sec
- 可製作簡易動態圖形&字體動畫 / Able to make simple graphic motion and text animation
- 影片可循環 / Video is loopable
- 影片格式 / Video format: MP4 or MOV
- 幀數 / Frames: 60 FPS

- 適用於動態壁紙、直播待機結束畫面、直播影片素材、等等 / Suitable for animated wallpapers, stream loading&end scene, stream&video footage, and more!

MYR150+ / 60USD+ / 1800TWD+
正比人物循環動畫 / Normal Character Looping Animation

- 影片時長:<30秒 / Duration: <30 sec
- 可增加簡易濾鏡&光影效果 / Simple filters & light effects can be added
- 影片可循環 / Video is loopable
- 影片格式 / Video format: MP4 or MOV
- 幀數 / Frames: 60 FPS

- 適用於動態壁紙、直播影片素材、等等 / Suitable for animated wallpapers, stream loading&end scene, stream&video footage, and more!

MYR200+ / 70USD+ / 2100TWD+
客製化動畫 / Customise Animation

- 影片時長:<30秒 / Duration: <30 sec
- 可製作簡易動態圖形、鏡頭轉場&字體動畫 / Simple animated graphics, camera transitions & fonts can be added
- 影片可循環 / Video is loopable
- 影片格式 / Video format: MP4 or MOV
- 幀數 / Frames: 60 FPS

- 適用於動態壁紙、直播待機結束畫面、直播影片素材、等等 / Suitable for animated wallpapers, stream loading&end scene, stream&video footage, and more!

MYR30+ / 10USD+ / 300TWD+
動態表情貼圖 / Emote & Sticker Animation

- 時長:<5秒 / Duration: <5 sec
- 動圖可循環 / Emote is loopable
- 格式 / Format: GIF or MOV
- 幀數 / Frames: 30 FPS

- 適用於表情包素材、直播影片素材、等等 / Suitable for emote footage, stream&video footage, and more!

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